Tuesday 18 March 2008

Authentic Material in the classroom

Many are the resources teachers of English can use in their lessons but experience and research let us claim that using films in the EFL/ESL classroom proves to be one of the best choices. The value of films as a language teaching resource is clear when we find our students highly motivated and interested while working with this precious authentic material that provides them with broad cultural contexts of the target language, and gives them opportunities to develop their cultural awareness and expand their experience with listening and speaking. The merits of film viewing are numerous. Films bring the English language world to the learner, who feels highly motivated to be able to understand and enjoy something real. Learners are in contact with natural language that includes up-to-date linguistic resource of accents, vocabulary, grammar and all kinds of discourse used by native speakers of the target language. All in all, films stand out as a powerful tool that will make your everyday lessons motivating and contextualized.
Patricia Dudulec
Creative collaborator at Challenge Education

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