Tuesday 5 August 2008

Movie Guide 23 based on the film "Hitch"

Do you fancy dancing?
Watch this clip from "Hitch" and think what you can do with it to enjoy English with your students.

After watching the clip, you may have a lot of different ideas on how to use it in a classroom and we would really appreciate if you share them with all Movie Guide users.

Here, our suggestions for elementary students.
Every movement Alex does has a funny name that students will easily remember. You can encourage the bravest to dance while learning parts of the body.
Go over our lesson plan and enjoy putting it into practice.

Read this document on Scribd: Hitch Scene 15

You will find this and other amusing clips in the Official Website of the movie.

The complete Movie Guide based on "Hitch" has 16 lesson plans to work with different scenes and different levels. Check the Index and see if it matches your needs.

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